In the March issue of the Rhode Island Bar Journal, Seth writes of the dangers of continuing a “business-as-usual” approach to Rhode Island’s energy system, and the economic opportunities we can grasp by embracing new and transformative technologies and meeting the...
Steward’s Journal January 2025
Recent Stewardship
❖ Now proudly serving as legal counsel for RI’s Energy Efficiency Council, where we are supporting its ongoing role in informing the regulatory process and pursuit of policy improvements.
❖ Helped Hope & Main close on 929 Westminster Street, the future home of their new West End Kitchens.
❖ Counseled Audubon Society on acquisition of over 60 acres of land in South Kingstown RI – part of our support for its acquisition and protection of over 500 acres of property in RI over the last 5 years.
❖ Representing renewable energy company in its pursuit of repayment for building extra electric system upgrades to benefit other electric customers in association with the interconnection of its projects (PUC dockets 23-37-EL and 23-38-EL).
❖ Advocating as stakeholder in PUC “Future of Gas” proceedings regarding the transformation of our thermal (heating and cooling) systems to provide more effective service and comply with RI’s Act on Climate.
❖ Helped property owner negotiate a lease for an energy storage project.
❖ Supporting tax credit investor’s resale of a solar project.
Other News & Resources
❖ Attended Institute for Local Self Reliance’s 50th Bday in DC – ILSR’s John Farrell published What the Monopoly Utility Model Really Costs Us
❖ The “Future of Gas” reports and comments are available here…
❖ Ann Arbor MI has resolved to form its own sustainable energy utility to expedite its clean energy transition – you can find it here…